Modern agriculture wouldn’t be possible without modern agricultural equipment, and there are machines and implements for every part of the planting process. We here at Mike Cooper Tractors want to help you find the right equipment for your needs, so we’ve put together a few of the basics below. To learn more, or to see the farm equipment we have for sale, contact our store in Fort Gibson, Oklahoma, today!

Soil Prep

The first step is prepping the soil for planting, and some of the common tools for that include:
Cultivators, which grind up weeds and plants to fertilize the soil and can help remove weeds from around your crops
Harrows, which level and distribute soil and crop residue, or which can kill weeds
Cultipackers, which break up packed dirt to remove air pockets and create a smooth seed bed, then gently embed seeds into the soil
Plows, which come in a variety of shapes and sizes and help loosen or turn soil before planting


Next is the planting process itself, which benefits from machines like:
Seed drills, which insert seeds into the soil without disturbing it and are ideal for row crops, cover crops, and grasses
Broadcast seeders, which throw seeds over a largely random area, which is great for cover crops and grasses
Transplanters, which are like manual seed drills and allow you to carefully and precisely plant seeds without having to bend over


And the two most popular harvesting machines are:
Combine harvesters, which combine reaping, threshing, and winnowing processes in one machine
Swathers or windrowers, which cut of the crop and form it into a windrow for fast drying

For more information, or to see our farm equipment selection, contact us at Mike Cooper Tractors. We proudly serve the people of Tulsa and Muskogee, Oklahoma—let us serve you today!